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2. Due to real-time changes in product batches and production supply factors, MGI may adjust and revise the text expressions, image effects, and other content on the above pages in real time to match the actual product performance, specifications, index, parts, and other information in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, specifications, parameters, and product characteristics as much as possible.

3. MGISEQ-2000 and MGISEQ-200 have been renamed as DNBSEQ-G50 and DNBSEQ-G400 respectively in parts of countries and regions.


*Unless otherwise informed, StandardMPS and CoolMPS sequencing reagents, and sequencers for use with such reagents are not available in Germany, Spain, UK, Hong Kong, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Finland, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Portugal, Austria and Romania. No purchase orders for CoolMPS products will be accepted in the USA until after August 22, 2022. No purchase orders for StandardMPS products will be accepted in the USA until after January 1, 2023.

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