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ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform

ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform based on MGI's self-developed ultra-high plex PCR technology, providing excellent performance library kit for target sequencing. It work for DNA and RNA, and can be applied in medicine, research, public health, food safety, DTC (direct to customer) and other scenarios.

ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform

ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform can design and synthetize panel according to customer’s interested region, in combination with our amplification and lib prep reagents to prepare the library, the library compatible with MGI’s sequencer perfectly, the kit can be applied to detect SNP, InDel, CNV, STR and Fusion. The platform has following features: 1. Efficient decrease the primer dimer with our unique technology; 2. All reactions in one tube, simply workflow, reduce the cross contamination; 3. Efficient remove the ambient PCR products; 4. Can qualify the sample by spiking in known concentration control; 5. Users can design the panel online and automatically.


*Unless otherwise informed, all sequencers and sequencing reagents are not available in Germany, USA, Spain, UK, Hong Kong, Sweden, Belgium and Italy.

Total workflow
Total workflow
Custom workflow

At first, the primers were designed on ATOPlex Designer (atoplex.mgi-tech.com) website, and the ID and Amplicons count in the primers design report were obtained. Orders were placed based on the ID and panel size.

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  • *For research use only.

    Not for use in diagnostic procedures (except as specifically noted).
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