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The stackable and expandable "benchtop" sequencing lab — a simple combination to meet multiple needs

Release date:2019-11-18Writer:MGIViews:3665Share

I.From standalone system tomodular version: stackable and expandable

Recently MGI launched a new self-developed "benchtop" sequencing lab which consists of the first Portable Genetic Sequencer DNBSEQ E series and the Modular Digital Biolab DNBelab D series. These two products have made great breakthroughs and innovations in improving the user's accessibility and ease of operation. They feature a fully dry design and a size that is compact and portable and easy to operate. Besides standalone systems, these two series also offer modular cube versions. This is the first time that sequencers have expandable and stackable applications. Users can mix and match the cubes according to different application scenarios and throughput demands.

The stackable and expandable design of the DNBSEQ E series and DNBelab D series provide ideal sequencing packages for many users.

II.Random access

Different from the standalone versions, modular versions share one screen and console server. This combination looks like a super-sequencing "magic cube." These cubes can be expanded according to the needs of users, who can access sequencing anytime. We can imagine a user scenario where in a central lab, user A uses one cube for sequencing, and user B can use another cube to sequence and does not have to wait until the first user finishes the run.

III.Multiple ways of combination

Do users need to have an equal number of DNBSEQ E sequencers and DNBelab D Modular Digital Biolabs when combining them? No. Users can mix and match according to throughput requirements for library preparation and sequencing. For example, DNBelab D can generate 4 libraries, and the throughput of DNBSEQ E is 2 samples for a certain application. In that case, the user combines one DNBelab D with 2 DNBSEQ E sequencers to match the throughput of library preparation with the sequencing throughput.

Below are examples of different combinations:

1. DNBSEQ E and DNBelab D: 1:1

1 DNBelab D with 2 DNBSEQ E: Does not need to be 1:1

4 DNBelab D series Modular Digital Biolab

Select only DNBelab D for expansion

4.DNBSEQ E series Portable Genetic Sequencer

Select onlyDNBSEQ E for expansion

IV.Meet multiple needs with a simple combination

Overall, in this ideal Benchtop Sequencing Lab, the one-stop sequencing package with DNBelab D and DNBSEQ E series products can be combined in a flexible, customized manner and offer a complete and automated workflow. The intuitive step-by-step user interface reduces total hands-on time to less than 10 minutes. The DNA sequencing-report can be produced in 8 hours; breaking through previous limitations. It can be used on basic scientific research applications, clinical applications such as tumor genetic testing, rapid identification of pathogens, and reproductive health. In addition, it can also be used for judicial on-site inspection, field surveys, environmental testing, etc.

With this stackable and scalable “benchtop” sequencing lab, users can combine cubes to meet multiple needs, offering unlimited possibilities.

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