- MGIEasy Circulating DNA Isolation Kit
Sample type: Plasma
Automation platform: Manual, MGISP-960, MGISP-100
- MGIEasy Stool Sample Collection Kit
Sample type: Stool
Automation platform: Manual, MGISTP-7000, MGISTP-3000
- MGIEasy Magnetic Beads Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Kit
Sample type: Fresh blood, Frozen blood, buffy coat and saliva
Automation platform: Manual, MGISP-960, MGISP-100, MGISP-NE384 (864 preps only)
- MGIEasy Saliva Sample Collection Kit (SSC02)
Sample type: Human fresh saliva
Automation: MGISTP-7000, MGISTP-3000
- MGIEasy Tissue Storage ReagentMGIEasy Tissue Storage Reagent effectively preserves and transports fresh tissue samples in the short term, maintaining cell activity and stabilizing gene expression levels. The preserved samples can be used for downstream applications such as single-cell RNA sequencing.
- MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-960)
Sample type: Fresh, blood, Frozen blood, Buffy coat, Saliva
Automation: MGISP-960
- MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE384)
Sample type: Fresh, blood, Frozen blood, Buffy coat, Saliva
Automation: MGISP-NE384
- HPV DNA Extraction Kit
Sample: Cervical swab, FTA card washing solution
Automation platform: MGISP-960
- MGIEasy Blood Genomic DNA Extraction Prepacked Kit (MGISP-NE32)
Sample type: blood,Buffy coat, Saliva
Automation: MGISP-NE32
- MGIEasy Stool Microbiome DNA Extraction Kit
Sample type: Fresh or frozen stool samples from human
Automation platform: MGISP-960, MGISP-NE384