- MGIEasy Circulating DNA Extraction Mini & Max KitMGIEasy Circulating DNA Extraction Mini & Max Kits use superparamagnetic particle purification technology to extract high-purity cfDNA from plasma, serum, and urine without the need for toxic phenol chloroform. The kits are compatible with MGISP-960, MGISP-100 and MGISP-NEX automated extractors and the extracted DNA can be used for PCR, RT qPCR and sequencing, etc. And the kits can be applied to non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) and liquid biopsy for tumor analysis.
- MGIEasy RNA Library Prep Set
Applications: RNA-Seq, Transcriptome Sequencing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSEQ-G400, DNBSEQ-G50
Reaction/kit: 16 RXN/ 96 RXN
- ATOPlex RNA Library Prep Set Library Preparation
Applications:SARS-CoV-2 detection, surveillance and tracing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSEQ-T7, DNBSEQ-G400
- ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform
ATOPlex multiplex PCR-based library preparation kit customized platform based on MGI's self-developed ultra-high plex PCR technology, providing excellent performance library kit for target sequencing. It work for DNA and RNA, and can be applied in medicine, research, public health, food safety, DTC (direct to customer) and other scenarios.
- MGIEasy Fast RNA Library Prep Set
Application: Whole-Transcriptome Sequencing, mRNA Sequencing, RNA-Seq, Metatranscriptome Sequencing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSE-G400, DNBSEQ-G50, DNBSEQ-G99, DNBSEQ-T7, DNBSEQ-T10×4
Reaction/kit: 16 RNX,96 RNX,192 RXN
- MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set
Applications: Low pass WGS, virus long amplicons sequencing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSEQ-G400, DNBSEQ-G50, DNBSEQ-T7
Reaction/kit: 16 RXN, 96 RXN, 384 RXN
- MGIEasy Fast PCR-FREE FS Library Prep Set V2.0
Application:Human WGS, Plants & Animals WGS, Low-pass WGS, Microbial WGS, Metagenomics sequencing, virus long amplicons sequencing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSEQ-G400, DNBSEQ-G50, DNBSEQ-T7, DNBSEQ-T10×4, DNBSEQ-T20×2, DNBSEQ-G99, DNBSEQ-E25
Reaction/kit: 16 RXN,96 RXN,384 RXN
- MGIEasy Fast FS DNA Library Prep Set
Applications: Microbial whole genome sequencing, Metagenome sequencing
Platform Compatibility: DNBSEQ-G400, DNBSEQ-G50, DNBSEQ-T7
Reaction/kit: 16 RXN, 96 RXN, 192 RXN
- MGIEasy Fast FS DNA Library Prep Set V2.0
Application: Human WGS, Plants & Animals WGS, Microbial WGS, Metagenomics sequencing, WES
Platform Compatibility: DNBSE-G400, DNBSEQ-G50, DNBSEQ-G99, DNBSEQ-E25, DNBSEQ-T7, DNBSEQ-T10×4, DNBSEQ-T20×2
Reaction/kit: 16 RNX,96 RNX,192 RXN
- MGIEasy Fast Hybridization and Wash Kit
Application: Suitable for rapid hybridization capture of target regions in human samples.
Platform Compatibility: DNBSE-G400, DNBSEQ-G99, DNBSEQ-T7
Reaction/kit: 16 RXN, 96 RXN